Monday, May 30, 2011

Linux A-Z Commands

alias     - Create your own name for a command
arch      - To print machine architecture
ash       - Ash command interpreter (shell)
awk       - Pattern scanning and processing language
ac        - User connection statistics

basename  - Remove directory and suffix from a file name
bash      - GNU Bourne-Again Shell
bsh       - Command interpreter (Shell)
bc        - Command line calculator
bunzip2   - Unzip .bz2 files

cat       - Concatenate a file print it to the screen
chgrp     - Change the group designation of a file
chmod     - Change file permissions
chown     - Change the owner of a file
cjpeg     - Compress an image file to a JPEG file
clear     - Clear terminal screen (command line)
comm      - Compare two sorted files
cp        - Copy command
cpio      - Copy files to and from archives
cut       - Print selected parts of lines to standard output

date      - Display date and time
dc        - Command line calculator
df        - Disk space free
diff      - Difference between two files
diff3     - Difference between 3 files
dig       - Interrogate DNS name servers
djpeg     - Decompress a JPEG file to an image file
dmesg     - Print or control the kernel ring buffer (print out bootup messages)
doexec    - Run an executable with an arbitrary argv
domainname- Show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
dos2unix  - Converts plain text files in DOS/MAC format to UNIX format
du        - Show disk useage
dumpkeys  - Write keyboard driver's translation tables to std output

echo      - Display a line of text
ed        - Line-oriented text editor
egrep     - Print lines matching a pattern
elinks    - A text mode WWW browser
env       - Dislay the path
ex        - Start Vim in ex mode
eject     - Eject media from device

factor    - Display prime factors of a number
false     - Exit with a status code indicating failure
fdisk     - Disk usage
fgrep     - Variant of grep
find      - Find a file
finger    - Displays information about the system users
fixps     - Try to fix common PostScript problems that break postprocessing
free      - Display free memory

grep      - Search for a pattern using regular expression
gtar      - GNU version of the archiving utility tar.
gunzip    - Unzip .gz files
gzip      - Compress files

halt      - Stop the system
hdparm    - Get/set harddisk parameters
head      - Print the first 10 lines of a file to standard output
hostname  - Show or set the system's host name
history   - Display entire command history
HISTSIZE  - Change history size
httpd     - Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol Server

I  -
identify  - It describes the format and characteristics of image files.
id        - Print information for username, or the current user
ifconfig  - Display network and hardware addresses
igawk     - Gawk with include files
ipcalc    - Calculate IP information for a host

kbd_mode  - Report or set the keyboard mode
kill      - Terminate a process

last      - Show list of last logged in users
lastlog   - reports the log of all users or of a given user
link      - Call the link function to create a link to a file
links     - See elinks
ln        - Create a link to the specified TARGET with optional LINK_NAME
loadkeys  - Load keyboard translation tables
locate    - Displays the location of the file
login     - Sign in
look      - Displays any lines in file which contain "string" as a prefix.
ls        - List directory contents
lsmod     - List loaded kernel modules
lynx      - Command to start the Lynx browser

mac2unix  - Converts plain text files in DOS/MAC format to UNIX format
mail      - A mail processing system, which has a command syntax like ed
man       - Display a particular manual entry
manweb    - Manweb is part of the Netpbm package
mdu       - Display the amount of space occupied by an MSDOS directory
mkdir     - Create a directory
mkfs      - Make a filesystem on a drive
mknod     - Make block or character special files
mktemp    - Make temporary filename (unique)
more      - Page through text one screenful at a time.
mount     - Mount a filesystem/device
mt        - Control magnetic tape drive operation
mv        - Move and / or rename files
namei     - Follow a pathname until a terminal point is found
nano      - An enhanced free Pico clone
nc        - arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
ncftp     - Browser program for the File Transfer Protocol
nedit-nc  - nedit-nc is the client interface to the NEdit text editor
netstat   - Display verbose info about network processes and ports
nice      - Run a command with modified priority
nslookup  - query internet domain name servers
nisdomainname  - Show or set system's NIS/YP domain name

paste     - Merge lines of files
pdf2dsc   - Generate a PostScript page list of a PDF document
pdf2ps    - Convert PDF file "input.pdf" to PostScript(tm) in ""
pdfinfo   - Print contents of the 'Info' dictionary (plus some other useful information) from a PDF file
pdftotext - Convert pdf files to plain text
perl      - Practical Extraction and Report Language
pgawk     - The profiling version of gawk
pico      - Text editor that comes with Pine (from the University of Washington)
pine      - Email program used by The University of Washington
ping6     - Ping
ping      - Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
pinky     - A lightweight 'finger' program;
pr        - Format for printing
ps        - Processes running
ps2ascii  - Ghostscript translator from PostScript or PDF to ASCII
ps2epsi   - Generate conforming Encapsulated PostScript
ps2frag   - Obsolete shell script for the PSfrag system
ps2pdf12  - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.2 (Acrobat 3 and later compatible) using ghostscript
ps2pdf13  - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4 and later compatible) using ghostscript
ps2pdf14  - Use ps2pdfwr: Convert PostScript to PDF without specifying Compatibility Level, using ghostscript
ps2pdf    - Convert PostScript to PDF using ghostscript
ps2pdfwr  - Convert PostScript to PDF without specifying Compatibility Level, using ghostscript
ps2pk     - Creates a TeX pkfont from a type1 PostScript font
ps2ps     - ps2ps uses gs to convert PostScript(tm) file "" to simpler and (usually) faster PostScript in ""
psbook    - Rearranges pages from a PostScript document into "signatures" for printing books or booklets
pwd       - Print Working Directory

quota     - Display disk usage and limits

resize    - Xterm window size
readelf   - Displays information about ELF files
reboot    - Stop the system, poweroff, reboot
red       - red is a restricted ed: it can only edit files in the current directory and cannot execute shell commands
rename    - Rename files
rmdir     - Remove a directory
rm        - Remove files or directories
rpm       - rpm command options
rundig    - Sample script to create a search database for ht://Dig
rview     - The GUI version of Vim in easy mode with restrictions
rvi       - Vi / Vim editor

sed       - Stream editor
setfont   - Load EGA/VGA console screen font
sfdisk    - Modified fdisk program
sftp      - Secure file transfer protocol (ftp)
sh        - Shell (BASH)
shred     - Safely remove data from disk drive
sleep     - Delay for a specified amount of time
slocate   - Security Enhanced version of the GNU Locate
sort      - Sort lines of a text file
ssh       - Secure shell connection command
stty        - change and print terminal line settings
su        - switch user
switchdesk- Graphical and text mode interface for choosing desktop environment
sync      - flush the file system buffers
ssh       - Secure shell connection command

tail      - Print the last 10 Lines of a file standard output
tar       - Create an Archive
tcsh      - Enhanced completely compatible version of the Berkeley UNIX C shell, csh
tee       - Copy standard input to each file, and also to standard output
telnet    - User interface to the telnet protocol
time      - Run the specified program command with the given arguments
touch     - Creating empty files
tracepath6- See tracepath
tracepath - Trace path to a network host discovering MTU along this path
traceroute6-See traceroute
traceroute- Print the route packets take to network host
tree      - Display file tree
true      - Exit with a status code indicating success
tty       - Print the current terminal

umask     - File creation mask
umount    - Detache file system(s) mentioned from file hierarchy
uname     - Print system information ( kernel version )
unicode_start- Put keyboard and console into Unicode (UTF-8) mode
unicode_stop - Undo the effect of unicode_start
unlink    - Call the unlink function to remove the specified file
uniq      - Remove duplicate lines from sorted file
updatedb  - Update the slocate database
untar     - Unarchive a file
unzip     - Unzip .zip files
useradd   - Add a new user
users     - Output who is currently logged in according to system records
usleep    - Sleep a given number of microseconds. default is 1

view      - Start vim in read-only mode
vi        - Start the vi editor
vim      - Start the vim editor
vigr      - Edit the password or group files
visudo    - edit the sudoers file

w         - who is logged on and what they are doing
wc        - Word count of a file
wget      - Non-interactive download of files from the Web
whatis    - Search the whatis database for complete words (command names)
whereis   - Locate a command or file
which     - Find command path
whoami    - Print effective userid
who       - show who is logged on
whois     - Client for the whois service

xinit     - Start Xserver
xpdf      - Portable Document Format (PDF) file viewer for X windows
xwd       - dump an image of an X window
xrandr    - Change resolution running Xwindows ( command line )
Xvfb      - Virtual framebuffer X server for X Version 11
Xorg      - X11R6 X server

ypdomainname - Show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
yum       - Yellowdog Updater Modified
ypbind    - Nis binding process
ypserv    - Nis Server

zcat      - Compress or expand files
zip       - Compression and file packaging utility
zdump     - Time zone dumper
zenmap    - Graphical Nmap frontend and results viewer
zipinfo   - List detailed information about a ZIP archive

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